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Marc Ayurveda medicine manufacturer in India

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Marc Herbal Inhale Easy spray
Helps in…

  • Discomfort Breathing &Congestion in the Respiratory System.
  • Inhale Easy helps in Reducing the discomfort in breathing due to long-term use of masks and associated decongestion.
  • Prepared as per the guidelines of the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.
  • Ingredients are well Reported in Ayurveda for Intended Claims.
  • Useful in Cough and Cold.
  • Anti-fungal, Anti-Inflammatory, and Antibacterial.
  • Aids in relieving chest congestion, Easy in Breathing, and Promotes overall respiratory health.
  • Helps in Relieving Nasal Congestion, Reduces Clogging, and Promotes Clear Breathing.

Marc laboratories Ayurveda products list:

  • Marc Imunotop-h helps to protect from viral infection.
  • Marc herbal Inhale Easy spray helps in Discomfort breathing & congestion in the respiratory system.
  • Uro-5 is the Best Ayurvedic medicine for kidney stones.
  • MarcSunscreen Lotion very high sun protection.
  • Marc Premium lotion is skin barrier lotion.
  • Marc Aloevera lotion it helps neutralize infection-causing germs.
  • Marc Liver Syrup to correct liver disorders.
  • Marckof Syrup make free from cough.
  • Isamarc (sugar Free) Opens the flow Restores the glow.
  • G-DON (Cap/Syp) Defend Against Dengue.
  • G-Don-P (Tab)  The Real Platelet Booster.
  • Gintage-4G The 4th Generation of health protector.
  • Gintage Forte Put Back Energy what a busy life drains out.
  • Everose (cap) Supplements for Multipal health benefits.     
  • C-Berry (Tab) A Natural Solution to Cure UTI Problem.   
  • Bonesafe 500mg (Cap) Healing of Bone along with calcium is majar concern in fracture.
  • Bonesafe Max (Tap) Accelerates fracture Healing & increase bone strength.
  • Bonesafe Plus (Tab)  increase bone strength.
  • Bonesafe Plus (Syp) Increase Bone Density.
  • Andox Plus Boost Body Resistance Power

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Uro-5 kidney stone medicine

It helps in preventing kidney stones and also treats Urinary Tract problems.
Marc Uro-5 Ingredients:
  • Pashanbheda (Bergenia ligulata) is largely known for curing urinary calculi. It is found in the Himalayas. In URO-5, basically, the rhizome part of this herb is used. The rhizome part contains Tannic acid, antioxidant Flavonoids, Lactone, gallic acid, and Benzenoids. Its antioxidant decreases the effect of free radicals. Lactone is widely known for diuretic function. Therefore, Pashanbheda is useful for removing out urinary stones and preventing reoccurrence of the same.
  • Amrita herb is also called Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia). It is a wide source of Alkaloids, Terpenoids, Steroids, and Lignans. URO-5 tablet uses the stem part of Amirta. As we know Giloy is a natural fever killer and can cure chronic fever. Amrita herb also contains diuretic properties. Therefore, it becomes important in the treatment of Urolithiasis, Nephrolithiasis, and Post-Lithotripsy conditions.
  • Daruharidra (Berberis aristata) is known for the treatments of jaundice, leprosy, fever, and rheumatism. They used the root part of Daruharidra in Uro-5, which is good for healing wounds. It is also able to reduce blood cholesterol and sugar levels. The anti-psoriatic, diuretic, and anti-inflammatory properties of Daruharidra make it an important ingredient.
  • Bhuiamla (Phyllanthus niruri) is another key ingredient of URO-5 to give a significant effect on kidney stones and urogenital diseases. That is why it is also known as a stonebreaker. In this tablet, the extract of the whole Bhuiamla plant is used. This plant is rich in saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, and tannins. This herb also possesses anti-helminthic, laxative, diuretic, and anit-viral activities. In the body, Bhuiamla also stops the formation of stones in the urinary tract.
  • Goksharu (Tribulus terrestris) is a natural medicine for urinary calculi, dysuria, constipation, and many other diseases. In the URO-5 tablet, the extract of Goksharu fruit is used. It has anti-lithiasis properties, which makes Goksahru effective against urinary calculi. It also relieves the body from painful urination because it has diuretic properties.

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 Bonesafe Plus | Bonesafe Syrup | Bonesafe Capsule

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 Isadiet powder

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  • Strengthen your immune system and improve your health naturally with Imunotop-h Ayurvedic Products that are made from natural herbs.
  •  It helps to fight and prevent you from various and influenza with no side effects.
  • It reduces blood sugar and cholesterol.
  • It maintains fluid balance in the body, suitable for the immune system, beneficial for the brain, has anti-cancer effects.
  • It is useful in reducing congestion in the chest.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties
  • Rich in potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and Vitamin C, iron sodium, zinc, riboflavin, niacin, and folate.

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